Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Twin Love - Does it Really Exist?

Today my friend, Jess posted a video on Facebook about the idea of having a twin soul mate and that our desire for a "soul mate" is engraved in our DNA and that we "harbor a desire and unity and search for a piece that is always missing" and that during our lives we are on a "quest for wholeness that isn't readily available."

For the past 10 plus years, I have learned, through ardent practice, to be able to decipher a reaction that comes from my Ego versus one from my Heart and I feel these ideas perpetuate concepts (and the operative is concept) that support a socialized reaction to marriage and something I don't personally believe in. If you watch any nature show, you learn about our own instincts. In most instances, the male species does their thing and then goes off. There are instances of "family" and I do believe that can work, but it's not something we are made to believe we have to strive for. Water, insects, mammals - they don't act from an obligation and how many people end up staying in relationships they feel an obligation to rather than being there out of choice? How many people truly feel whole and in love with themselves? I'm not talking love from what they have or what they've done in their lives, but true love just for the fact they breathe? What do we have to offer to our romantic partners if we don't feel this inward love of ourselves?

Our society is constructed on the belief that you are not desirable if you do not have a significant other, which leads to a mass amount of negative energy that comes from people who actually get depressed because they are alone and feel lonely. There is a huge distinction between those two feelings. To be alone is to give to yourself and to get to know yourself like you would a lover. To feel lonely is a theme that stems from the media - everything from movies, television to music. If you can't detach yourself from these melancholic notions, your sad, negative energy litters the earth, instead of being stronger and finding purpose within yourself.

I believe Love is the core of everything. For me, it's that feeling of bliss and enthusiasm that is our true essence and allows us to react from the most positive space of instant forgiveness and gratitude for everything in our lives - no matter what the outward appearance. It's always a choice. Perhaps not always an easy choice but if we do the work, the struggle decreases.

What feels like the truth to me (and I can only go by what I feel because I don't believe in my thoughts) is that we are individual energy that travels in groups and are brought together with people we have different levels of karma with from past lives to work out in the current life. The levels of karma are insignificant (people you pass on the street, are in a bank line with, etc.) to significant (your partner, family and friends.)

All this said, I can be romantic and don't feel that intimate relationships have to be matter of fact and dry. In fact, the opposite. We are lucky enough to be human and to express ourselves more than animals can, but we've grown attachments through this idea instead of being free to love and to leave when the moment presents itself. Having been both in long term relationships and single, I love having a partner in my life where the partnership is key and the sexual/romantic nature is exhilarating. But we simply cannot predict if we will want to have sex with the same person our entire lives. It's an idealistic notion that we have fed to us every day. I am loyal and actually have an ability to be attracted to one partner for a long time. In fact, I've never tired of my lovers, but who is to say it wouldn't happen someday? If you have a strong partnership/friendship, why does a change in the sexual desire of the relationship have to be a negative factor at all? Why can't your "twin" be with you despite any challenges? To me, that is true friendship.

1 comment:

  1. I guess that I'm still a romantic at heart. Even if I do lose my sexual attraction to my boyfriend, I'm pretty sure that we would find a way to stay together. I hope that never happens but it has happened in the past. It was always because of conflicts that weren't sexual, though.
    Nothing is certain, things can change at any time. That is why I am a 'live in the moment' kind of gal. I don't know how to be any other way.
